The existing world patent system is based on a number national-vise authorities those issued patents by their respective patent offices. The system is not favorable for individual inventors since the patent offices are bureaucratic organizations doing their business from big IP owners such as companies. I understood this after doing the patenting procedures for the liftoplane aircraft filing the 14/751,180 patent application at United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO), as a Pro Se inventor (i.e. acting without attorney). The seven years prosecution by USPTO was finalized by improper abandonment my application from the side of this office in spite of the application had 34 allowed claims. The driving force of this abandonment was a wish of a Deputy Commissioner for Patents to avoid considering a petition against him by the Director of USPTO where I exposed how the Deputy Commissioner covered up the facts of the improper and unfair considering other my petition by a Technology Center Director, where I argued toward retaining all my 105 claims in the application. Canceling the 71 claims was stated by the Deputy Commissioner as an alternative to the abandonment, which was intolerable for me. I tried to avoid the abandonment by sending e-mail to the Acting Director of USPTO exposing this unusual and exceptional situation and requesting to consider the petition in person, but it was fully ignored, although I also documented the e-mail in the application file. After the abandonment I sent a similar e-mail to the new Director of USPTO pointing toward unreliable service of the USPTO machine broken on the basis of honest relation to its customers. The Director acted promptly, but not effective since resolving the situation was delegated to the Office of Commissioner for Patents that is bounded by a conflict of interests in that situation. I got an e-mail with a formal document referencing the both my e-mails to Directors, arguing toward correctness of the all the Deputy Commissioner for Patents did before, ignoring all my arguments from the non-considered petition and stating that the formal document will be placed in my application file. The document was not placed there, and thus my last petition remained being not considered.
In order to keep my rights toward the intellectual property exposed to the public in the publication of the US 14/751,180 patent application, I decided to issue under my own authority the Inventor Edition Patent IEP A96B1C59-67B6-433C-AA2D-37E5C0F4D790 that I published there on this site at April 11, 2023 manifesting its effective date for property rights beginning the date of the former publication: December 29, 2016 that commences the 20 years period. I consider exercising, in particular cases, the said my rights in the respective courts anywhere within the Humans on the Earth and in Outer Space.
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